Evenline is reimagining design and manufacturing through 3D printed glass.

Molten Glass 3D Printer

Forming glass in a new way

The system fabricates objects 325 x 325 x 380mm out of studio art glass, container glass, and float (window) glass.

Evenline's 3D Glass Printer Mark III

What we do

We make glass.
We make machines that make glass.
We make software that moves machines that make glass.

Molten glass printing at 2000˚F


We’re seeking to contribute a new voice to the conversation about glass manufacturing and materiality.

We are not replacing glass craft. We are seeking to build on the foundation of knowledge accumulated over millennia of glass forming. Our process lies at the intersection of material, machine, and maker. As molten glass flows out of a ceramic nozzle, motors move directed by the designer's g-code to trace out an object as it grows layer by layer. A digital reimagining of glass forming is only possible through leveraging traditional glass blowing skills with the flexibility and scale of precise machines.

G-code path for the molten glass printer

Human Touch

We finish our prints by separating the piece from the molten glass stream

Stopping Flow

Preparing for the next Print

We move the 900F printed glass to another chamber to cool overnight

Unloading the Printer

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Let's talk glass.

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